The Sunshine Blogger Award

Another one?? Really Tantei from WANDERLUST, I love you and appreciate you alot so I accept it…again 😀

So here are the anwers to your questions.

  1. 1.) If you were to live another person’s life, whose would it be and why?

    Any musician ’cause music is my next best passion. I just feel the notes and the mesage that is delivered. Any music but hard metal rock though it’s very snobbish people who listen to this type of music. Strange but true.

    2.) Favorite film of any genre and why.

    Most films these days are marvels or superficial with no real aim or message so no film comes up to me for the moment but when one does, I’ll get back to you.

    3.) Musician or lyricist? Which would you prefer?

    Lyricist.. You make the message.

    4.) What super power would you choose to have?

    FLASH.. To be faster then light..

    5.) What songs and/or which singers are in your playlist?

    The answer to this one is in my post Music

    6.) What do you think is the greatest weakness of mankind?


    7.) In a word, describe my blog and say why.

    Amazing ’cause that’s how you are 😀

    8.) Can you please critique any or one of my posts and tell me how I might be able to improve if I do ever feel like writing one like is some time soon?

     Well, move pass the melancholy to start with 😉


    9.) If I had amnesia, how would you make me remember you? Assume that we have known each other for as long as necessary.

    Hhhmm interesting question, well I just need to tell you you are my specialist and you’ll know 😀

    10.) If everything starts with a lie, what yours?

On my state of mind and moods ’cause I’m a very moody person.

My Nominees

Frank Solanki

Robert E Cano II

Luke Atkins


Little April Shower


And I would love to hear them answer the same questions.

But they aren’t oblaged.

Thanks for following everybody..

Take great care of yourselves 😀

N.B: The rules: Just answer the questions and nominate other bloggers to whom you give your own questions to be answered in their turn. It’s that simple..

    • I’d like to shout out to O’Shine Original for nominating me for the versatile award again, I accept it here public ally but won’t post another post on it.

So thank you so much, your blog is so inspiring and awesome just like your personality. I really would advice my Ideal readers to take a look. His link is part of my nominees today.
Thank your all for your support, I hope to always see you guys around, I hope to always produce post worthy of interest and God bless you all forever.

Here’s my Facebook page and twitter.

(Featured images curtesy of Google).

11 Comments Add yours

  1. Shaymâ says:


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Idealize says:

      Thanks a lot deary.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. . . . Talk about killing 2 birds with one stone.

    Ologbo di ori eja mu.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Idealize says:

      Translation though for the dialect part x_x

      Liked by 1 person

      1. . . . Lol.

        Referred to you as a smart alec.


      2. Idealize says:

        Alright, thanks 😀 You too 😉

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Tantei M.Gin says:

    Whoooa! Cool answers! Thanks for the compliment. You deserve it too. Hmmmm… I like melancholy. HAHAHA!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Idealize says:

      Lol I see, well nobody can say I didn’t stay 😉 Thanks for the awards dear, I really do appreciate them. Thanks for following me as well. Big hug.

      Liked by 1 person

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